Friday, June 23, 2006

Guy 22 Watching the Tomatoes Grow, Wanderer, Salsa and Sauce

International. 'just music. No talk. No topic. Chillcast. Enjoy. Remember to send me your TOP FIVE LIST
Yep, I am a Guy in A Tie...
sharing music, love of life, teaching and working w/ my students.
'Click the subscribe in iTunes button rather than listening on your computer.
Good choice! Enjoy these tracks.

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Thanks and give me feedback. Bye - Guy In A Tie (
Craymo - One Love One World
Ritchie Hernandez - Salsa Picoso
Lucuna Coil -The Secret
BridgeField - Control Freak remix
Hollow Horse -Forget The Girl
Ekayani and the Healing Band- Une Fille Qui Parle des ses Desires

1 comment:

Anilikos said...

Hey GuyinaTie.
Top 5 huh?
A summer in Leukada(greek western island) with my parents.
Christmas Eve with my best friend 4 years ago.
Getting to know that my parents live, after an accident.
Returning to the place I spent my elementary school years
Kissing the one I love(yet to come...)

Not necessarily in that order.

Have fun in the concert :)
I never had the chance to hear them live :)