Saturday, August 12, 2006

Guy 34 So A Study Says, "You're Bored"

The Best in Independent Music. Awesome show ... So You Are Bored? Thats what a National Study says. Of course you're bored. Mel Gibson, Joke Girl, MovieClip Quiz, Schools in Session.

Yep, I am a Guy in A Tie... Email
sharing music, love of life, teaching and working w/ my students.
'Click the subscribe in iTunes button rather than listening on your computer.
Good choice! Enjoy these tracks.
Click note to hear podcast (or rightclick-download, burn CD)
click to subscribe in iTunes
or click to subscribe w/ some "podcatcher"

If you don't have iTunes.........get it!
Hey, do me a favor and show a friend how to subscribe to podcasts and then how to listen to them.
Thanks and give me feedback. Bye - Guy In A Tie (

Tracks for this 'cast, check 'em out, email the bands that you heard them on Guy In A Tie podcast or purchase your fav's..............
FRANCINE -Zeros and Ones. - $5 CD- ITUNES
SUPERBEING -Bright Idea.
NOTHING STATIC-What I have-iTunes
THE PERFECT MISTAKE -A Step in the right direction. --
MARGOT & THE NUCLEAR SO & SO'S -Skeleton Key. --iTunes


Anonymous said...

Anytime dood. Thanks for the exposure!

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks a lot for finding us. Anyone with a Deg. in Physics is a hero of mine. Hope the upcoming podcast goes well. Do you know of any good places in Ann Arbor for an independant band such as ourselves to play? Take care.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for playing Francine on your podcast! The support is greatly appreciated. Cheers!