Monday, August 07, 2006

Guy 33 Top Tracks Voted for July

These are the top Tracks, and there were a lot of tracks played in July, as voted by people. Thanks for all the feedback.

Yep, I am a Guy in A Tie... Email
sharing music, love of life, teaching and working w/ my students.
'Click the subscribe in iTunes button rather than listening on your computer.
Good choice! Enjoy these tracks.
Click note to hear podcast (or rightclick-download, burn CD)
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or click to subscribe w/ some "podcatcher"

If you don't have iTunes.........get it!
Hey, do me a favor and show a friend how to subscribe to podcasts and then how to listen to them.
Thanks and give me feedback. Bye - Guy In A Tie (

Tracks for this 'cast based on emails..............
5th -place. -- What About Chad
4th -place. -- Orange Park
3rd -place. -- Evongale
2nd -place. -- October Fall
1st -place. --Morningside Drive
Guy In A Tie's -top pick for July. -- Selsted School

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Guy In a Tie, you Rock!!!!!!! We appreciate all your help and support that you put into local music!
