Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Guy 31 Hurt People Hurt People

Break the habit of retaliating or feeling hurt. cuz Hurt People Hurt People.

Yep, I am a Guy in A Tie...
sharing music, love of life, teaching and working w/ my students.
'Click the subscribe in iTunes button rather than listening on your computer.
Good choice! Enjoy these tracks.
Click note to hear podcast
click to subscribe in iTunes
or click to subscribe w/ some "podcatcher"

If you don't have iTunes.........get it!
Hey, do me a favor and show a friend how to subscribe to podcasts and then how to listen to them.
Thanks and give me feedback. Bye - Guy In A Tie (

Tracks for this 'cast.
Salient -Stay. get Salient in itunes.
That Was Something - The Wedding.
The Ropes -Kill Her Off.
FOLIO -Next to mine.
The Matches -Dog Eared Page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello from Los Angeles!

We just received notification that you played one of our songs, Next to Mine, recently on your podcast. Thank you very much--we're flattered that you enjoyed it enough to play it!! Feel free to play any of our other songs available on the Podsafe Music Network.

The songs we have listed will be on our forthcoming EP, Great Divide, due out later this Summer. We'll keep our profile page updated w/ the latest info, and will be adding the other tracks on the record to our Podsafe Music page as we finish mixing them.

Once again, we appreciate your support. Keep in touch.


Chris Willshire
bass, kybds, co-producer