Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Guy 94 Scotland's Best Band

Check out these odds that everyone will like you -- School's N Session topic. In Guy In A Tie I play music by Scottish band-- Hollow Horse. One of the singers, Kenny Little is an art teacher and he sent me some pictures to share.Great tracks, Clicker Challange, Weird Facts and iTunes Give Away, find out who won the iTunes icard.
Also Guy In A Tie's Fav band is done.
Yep, I am a Guy in A Tie... Email
sharing music, love of life, teaching and working w/ my students.
'Click the subscribe in iTunes button rather than listening on your computer.
Good choice! Enjoy these tracks.
How to listen to GuyInATie.....

PupuPlayer PRO
-just click the musical note to listen or the pop-up player!!!
If you don't have iTunes.........get it!

Hey, do me a favor and show a friend how to subscribe to podcasts and then how to listen to them. Thanks and give me feedback. Bye - Guy In A Tie (
BubbleShare: Share photos - Share your baby pictures

Tracks for this 'cast, check 'em out, email the bands that you heard them on Guy In A Tie podcast or purchase your fav's....
October Fall- Hey, Hey.
Cartel - The Fortunate.
Hollow Horse - Forget The Girl. CD1 Get it in iTunes. CD2 in iTunes.
Girls Don't Cry - American Boy.
Laura Knight - Sunshine.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mr. Bradley!

Anonymous said...

I am really excited for your Halloween special! Did you know that is my favorite holiday? It has been ever since I was in 1st grade. That will be a cool podcast! :-)

Anonymous said...

Mmmm I agree Sara
Candy day can't be a bad holiday